Monthly Archives: April 2020

78: Sara Hagerty | The Practice of Adoration

On today’s episode we’re chatting with best selling author and speaker, Sara Hagerty about the Practice of Adoration, which she beautifully unpacks in her latest book, Adore. Sara shares with us how this simple practice can help us experience God in the thick of life’s everyday demands, practical ways we can choose to adore even when we don’t feel like it, and the power of staying connected with God in the messy middle minutes of our days. Listen in.


Links Mentioned:

Sara's Website 


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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77: Lisa Bevere | Becoming Strong

When I was in college, someone handed me a stack of Spiritual Growth books and said, “The things that will change your life are the people you meet and the books you read.” And I was hooked for life.  On today’s episode we’re chatting with one of the authors whose books dramatically changed my life in that very first season of falling in love with God through reading. Please join us in welcoming to the show today, New York Times Best Selling Author, leader, and beloved Bible teacher, Lisa Bevere.


We talk with Lisa about what true strength really looks like according to God’s word, how to stay strong even when things around us are uncertain, and how to recover our strength when life zaps it. Wherever this finds you today, we pray this conversation will encourage you and point you towards the only true source of strength. Listen in.


Links Mentioned:
Strong Devotional
Lisa’s Website


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with us:


76: Adrienne & Jeremy Camp | Staying Unified No Matter What

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with Christian recording artist, Jeremy Camp and his lovely wife Adrienne.  Jeremy and Adie talk about the release of the new film based on Jeremy's life, “I Still Believe” as well as share timeless truths that have sustained their marriage over the years, the power of daily prayer for one another, and how to stay healthy and connected during this time of global pandemic.

We had such a blast hanging with The Camps! We hope and pray this conversation will encourage you as much as it did us. Pull up a chair and join us!
