Monthly Archives: June 2021

101. Kay Wyma | The Peace Project

On today’s episode, we’re so thrilled to welcome back to the show our sweet Texas friend, mother of five, and best selling author, Kay Wyma.

I can’t think of a better way to kick off our summer than to practice what Kay calls a Soul 30, which is a daily dose of thankfulness, kindness, and mercy. We chat with Kay about her own personal experience through 30 days of practicing thankfulness, kindest, and mercy….. the challenges she faced, powerful lessons learned along the way, and the unexpected peace that resulted from continually living from this posture.

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.


Connect with Chris & Jenni:


100: A Big Announcement!

For our 100th episode we’re celebrating with some pretty exciting news!!!

It’s with great joy we share with you something we’ve been pouring our hearts and souls into for quite some time now!✨

Chris and I are thrilled to announce, we have partnered with our good friends at NavPress and Tyndale House to release a series of books on marriage and family! The first book, The Rhythm of Us releases into the world November 9, 2021! 🎉



We’re excited to share more with you in the coming months, and are happy to say:

The Rhythm of Us is now available for pre-order at your favorite retailer! 👏🏻

Make sure to save your order number and claim your pre-order freebies releasing next month!  Check out all the details at



This book is 💯 the Lord’s. From start to finish. What a gift, to make much of Jesus, and his incredible, timeless rhythms for a thriving marriage! We’re so honored to share this beautiful message with you that is straight from Him! We pray it will be a blessing to you and your family! ✨

We’ll be sharing much more in the months to come, but for now, pre-order a copy or two or three, and sign up for more details to come at
